TENTATIVE. This is not an official document. Please check the official Schedule of Classes on TritonLink



No Course Offerings


No Course Offerings


No Course Offerings

Literature of the Americas


LTAM 110 - Latin American Literature in Translation Max Parra


LTAM 110 - Latin American Literature in Translation Gloria Chacon


LTAM 110 - Latin American Literature in Translation LITERATURE AND AUTHORITARIANISM IN LATIN AMERICA Milos Kokotovic



LTCH 101 - Readings in Contemporary Chinese Literature Eileen Chang's Short Stories and Prose Ping-hui Liao


No Course Offerings


LTCH 101 - Readings in Contemporary Chinese Literature Chinese Film Stars Pai Wang



LTCO 287 hb - Culture and Political Theory Deculturation and the Politics of Spiritual Conquest in the Trans-Pacific World Jody Blanco


LTCO 285 - Literature and Aesthetics Translation Theory Amelia Glaser


LTCO 282 - Literature and Philosophy Lacan. Freud to Neuroscience Alain J.-J. Cohen

Literature/Cultural Studies


LTCS 87 - Freshman Seminar Digital Intimacies Nguyen Tan Hoang

LTCS 110 - Popular Culture Remix Media Nguyen Tan Hoang

LTCS 150 - Topics in Cultural Studies Zapotec Culture: Indigeneity Across Time and Place Felipe Lopez

LTCS 170 - Visual Culture Art Writing/Writing About Art Ari Heinrich

LTCS 225 - Interdisciplinary and Historical Analysis of Cultural Texts Caribbean Poetics Sara E. Johnson


LTCS 52 - Topics in Cultural Studies Ping-hui Liao

LTCS 150 - Topics in Cultural Studies Zapotec Culture: Indigeneity Across Time and Place Felipe Lopez

LTCS 250 hb - Topics in Cultural Studies Indigenous Literatures and Theory Kathryn Walkiewicz


LTCS 87 - Freshman Seminar Asian Horror Nguyen Tan Hoang

LTCS 87 - Freshman Seminar Love at First Sight Nguyen Tan Hoang

LTCS 111 - Special Topics in Popular Culture in Historical Context Reading Our Monsters: Difference and Transnationalism Andrea Mendoza

LTCS 133 - Globalization and Culture Ping-hui Liao

LTCS 150 - Topics in Cultural Studies Introduction to Zapotec Felipe Lopez

LTCS 222 - Topics in Theory and History of Film Film, Fascism and Memory Fatima El-Tayeb

Literature/East Asian


LTEA 110C - Contemporary Chinese Fiction in Translation Sinophone Literature on Food and Culture Ping-hui Liao

LTEA 120C - Hong Kong Films LGBTQ Cultures and Cinemas from 20th-century Hong Kong, Taiwan, and China Ari Heinrich


LTEA 120B - Taiwan Films Ping-hui Liao

LTEA 138 - Japanese Films Returns and Repetitions: 20th Century Cinema in Japan Andrea Mendoza

LTEA 141 - Modern Korean Literature in Translation from 1945 to Present Jin-kyung Lee


LTEA 120A - Chinese Films Visions of the City Yingjin Zhang

LTEA 132 - Later Japanese Literature in Translation Empire to Nation: Fictions in/of Japan Andrea Mendoza

LTEA 144 - Korean American Literature and Other Literatures of Korean Diaspora Global Korean Diaspora and the Literatures and Cultures of Korean Diaspora Jin-kyung Lee

Literatures in English


LTEN 21 - Introduction to the Literature of the British Isles: Pre-1660 Lisa Lampert-Weissig

LTEN 28 - Introduction to Asian American Literature Erin Suzuki

LTEN 87 - Freshman Seminar Performing Stand-up Comedy Camille Forbes

LTEN 140 b - The British Novel: 1790-1830 The World of Jane Austen Sarah Nicolazzo

LTEN 148 - Genres in English and American Literature Scary Stories: Horror in Literature and Film Kathryn Walkiewicz

LTEN 149 a - Topics: English-Language Literature Antisemitism in English Lit Lisa Lampert-Weissig

LTEN 154 c - The American Renaissance California Dreamin’: California in the Literary Imagination Kathryn Walkiewicz

LTEN 159 d - Contemporary American Literature Gay, Lesbian, Queer Literatures Meg Wesling

LTEN 159 d - Contemporary American Literature The Writing of Woody Guthrie Stephanie Jed

LTEN 181 - Asian American Literature Love and War in the Asia-Pacific Rim Jody Blanco

LTEN 189 - Twentieth-Century Postcolonial Literatures Erin Suzuki

LTEN 231 hb - Restoration and Eighteenth-Century English Literature The Biopolitical Enlightenment Sarah Nicolazzo


LTEN 22 - Introduction to the Literature of the British Isles: 1660-1832 Sarah Nicolazzo

LTEN 25 - Introduction to the Literature of the United States, Beginnings to 1865 Kathryn Walkiewicz

LTEN 27 - Introduction to African American Literature Dennis Childs

LTEN 112 a - Shakespeare I: The Elizabethan Period Seth Lerer

LTEN 127 b - Victorian Poetry Margaret Loose

LTEN 144 b - The British Novel: 1890 to Present Colonial Encounters in the Adventure Novel Ameeth Vijay

LTEN 148 b - Genres in English and American Literature Victorian Social Problem Novel Margaret Loose

LTEN 155 - Interactions between American Literature and the Visual Arts Race as Spectacle Fatima El-Tayeb

LTEN 158 d - Modern American Literature Nabokov: Beyond Lolita Amelia Glaser

LTEN 159 d - Contemporary American Literature The Times They Are A’Changin’: 1960s Popular Music in Cultural Context Robert Cancel

LTEN 192 - Senior Seminar in Literatures in English Careers for Literature Majors Margaret Loose

LTEN 254 - Topics in US Minority Literatures and Cultures The Prison of Slavery, the Slavery of Prison Dennis Childs

LTEN 259 - Transnational Literary Studies Transpacific Studies Erin Suzuki


LTEN 23 - Introduction to the Literature of the British Isles: 1832-Present Ameeth Vijay

LTEN 26 - Introduction to the Literature of the United States, 1865 to the Present Erin Suzuki

LTEN 29 - Introduction to Chicano Literature Gloria Chacon

LTEN 113 a - Shakespeare II: The Jacobean Period Seth Lerer

LTEN 142 b - The British Novel: 1830-1890 Novels of Charles Dickens Margaret Loose

LTEN 149 - Topics: English-Language Literature Sherlock Holmes and the Art of Critical Thinking Margaret Loose

LTEN 150 - Gender, Text, and Culture Literary Imagination and Technological Progress Fatima El-Tayeb

LTEN 152 c - The Origins of American Literature The Age of Revolution Sara E. Johnson

LTEN 176 - Major American Writers Allen Ginsberg William O'Brien

LTEN 178 - Comparative Ethnic Literature Analyzing/Making Graphic Novels Shelley Streeby

LTEN 181 d - Asian American Literature As/Am Speculative Fictions Erin Suzuki

LTEN 183 d - African American Prose American Racial Gothic Narratives Dennis Childs

LTEN 185 - Themes in African American Literature Prison, Slavery, Abolition Dennis Childs

LTEN 222 hb - Elizabethan Studies Shakespeare, Past and Present Daniel Vitkus

LTEN 272 - Cultural Traditions in English Marxist Feminism and Queer Marxisms Meg Wesling

Literature/European & Eurasian


LTEU 140 - Italian Literature in Translation Italo Calvino Stephanie Jed

LTEU 141 - French Literature in English Translation Women and Sex in 20th Century France Meg Wesling

LTEU 154 - Russian Culture Survey of Russian Drama Yelena Severina


LTEU 105 - Medieval Studies The Decameron: Recreating a Lost World Through Storytelling Adriana De Marchi Gherini



LTEU 150C - Survey of Russian and Soviet Literature in Translation, 1917-Present Yelena Severina



LTFR 2A - Intermediate French I Catherine Ploye

LTFR 2B - Intermediate French II Catherine Ploye

LTFR 50 - Intermediate French IV: Textual Analysis Catherine Ploye

LTFR 115 - Themes in Intellectual and Literary History La Nature dans la Littérature française Oumelbanine Zhiri


LTFR 2B - Intermediate French II Catherine Ploye

LTFR 2C - Intermediate French III: Composition and Cultural Contexts Catherine Ploye

LTFR 116 - Themes in Intellectual and Literary History Oumelbanine Zhiri

LTFR 142 - Topics in Literary Genres in French Le roman policier en France aujourd’hui Catherine Ploye


LTFR 2A - Intermediate French I Catherine Ploye

LTFR 2C - Intermediate French III: Composition and Cultural Contexts Catherine Ploye

LTFR 50 - Intermediate French IV: Textual Analysis Catherine Ploye

LTFR 125 - Topics in Twentieth-Century French Literature Proust & Proust-in-Film Alain J.-J. Cohen



LTGK 1 - Beginning Greek Jacobo Myerston

LTGK 104 - Greek Prose Prose: Lysias Page duBois


LTGK 2 - Intermediate Greek (I) Jacobo Myerston

LTGK 105 - Topics in Greek Literature Hesiod’s Theogony Jacobo Myerston


LTGK 3 - Intermediate Greek (II) Rosalba Ciampi



LTGM 2A - Intermediate German I Eva Fischer-Grunski

LTGM 100 - German Studies I: Aesthetic Cultures German Studies I: Aesthetic Cultures Todd Kontje


LTGM 2B - Intermediate German II Eva Fischer-Grunski


LTGM 2C - Intermediate German III Eva Fischer-Grunski



LTIT 2A - Intermediate Italian I Adriana De Marchi Gherini

LTIT 100 - Introduction to Literatures in Italian Adriana De Marchi Gherini


LTIT 2B - Intermediate Italian II Adriana De Marchi Gherini

LTIT 115 - Medieval Studies The Decameron: Recreating a Lost World Through Storytelling Adriana De Marchi Gherini


LTIT 50 - Advanced Italian Adriana De Marchi Gherini



LTKO 1A - Beginning Korean: First Year I Jeyseon Lee

LTKO 2A - Intermediate Korean: Second Year I Jeyseon Lee

LTKO 3 - Advanced Korean: Third Year Jeyseon Lee

LTKO 149 - Readings in Korean Language History and Structure Jeyseon Lee


LTKO 1B - Beginning Korean: First Year II Jeyseon Lee

LTKO 2B - Intermediate Korean: Second Year II Jeyseon Lee

LTKO 2B - Intermediate Korean: Second Year II Jeyseon Lee

LTKO 3 - Advanced Korean: Third Year Jeyseon Lee

LTKO 100 - Readings in Korean Literature and Culture Readings in Colonial Korean Literature and Culture Jin-kyung Lee


LTKO 1C - Beginning Korean: First Year III Jeyseon Lee

LTKO 2C - Intermediate Korean: Second Year III Jeyseon Lee

LTKO 100 - Readings in Korean Literature and Culture Readings in Post-Liberation South Korean Literature and Culture Jin-kyung Lee



LTLA 1 - Beginning Latin Kourtney Murray

LTLA 100 - Introduction to Latin Literature Kourtney Murray


LTLA 2 - Intermediate Latin (I) Kourtney Murray

LTLA 103 - Latin Drama Kourtney Murray


LTLA 3 - Intermediate Latin (II) Kourtney Murray

LTLA 104 - Latin Prose Rosalba Ciampi



LTRU 1A - First-Year Russian Rebecca Wells

LTRU 2A - Second-Year Russian Rebecca Wells

LTRU 104B - Advanced Practicum in Russian: Analysis of Text and Film Rebecca Wells

LTRU 150 - Russian Culture Survey of Russian Drama Yelena Severina


LTRU 1B - First-Year Russian Rebecca Wells

LTRU 2B - Second-Year Russian Rebecca Wells

LTRU 104C - Advanced Practicum in Russian: Analysis of Text and Film Rebecca Wells


LTRU 1C - First Year Russian Rebecca Wells

LTRU 104A - Advanced Practicum in Russian Rebecca Wells

LTRU 110C - Survey of Russian and Soviet Literature in Translation, 1917-Present Yelena Severina



LTSP 2A - Intermediate Spanish I: Foundations Luis Martín-Cabrera

LTSP 2B - Intermediate Spanish II: Readings and Composition Luis Martín-Cabrera

LTSP 2D - Intermediate/Advanced Spanish: Spanish for Bilingual Speakers Luis Martín-Cabrera

LTSP 50A - Readings in Peninsular Literature Luis Martín-Cabrera

LTSP 130B - Development of Latin American Literature Max Parra

LTSP 136 - Andean Literature EL INDIGENISMO ANDINO Milos Kokotovic

LTSP 142 - Latin American Short Story EL CUENTO LATINOAMERICANO Milos Kokotovic


LTSP 2B - Intermediate Spanish II: Readings and Composition Luis Martín-Cabrera

LTSP 2C - Intermediate Spanish III: Cultural Topics and Composition Luis Martín-Cabrera

LTSP 2E - Advanced Readings and Composition for Bilingual Speakers Luis Martín-Cabrera

LTSP 50B - Readings in Latin American Literature Luis Martín-Cabrera

LTSP 134 - Literature of the Southern Cone Feminismos y disidencias sexuales: producción cultural conosureña en dictadura y postdictadura Carol Arcos Herrera

LTSP 135B - Modern Mexican Literature Max Parra

LTSP 172 - Indigenista Themes in Latin American Literature Gloria Chacon

LTSP 174 - Topics in Culture and Politics Religión cristiana en la cultura popular Jody Blanco


LTSP 2A - Intermediate Spanish I: Foundations Luis Martín-Cabrera

LTSP 2C - Intermediate Spanish III: Cultural Topics and Composition Luis Martín-Cabrera

LTSP 50C - Readings in Latin American Topics Luis Martín-Cabrera

LTSP 133 - Contemporary Latin American Literature Madres siniestras: corporalidades del duelo en la producción cultural chilena reciente Carol Arcos Herrera

LTSP 140 - Latin American Novel NOVELA NEGRA LATINOAMERICANA Milos Kokotovic

LTSP 171 - Studies in Peninsular and/or Latin American Literature and Society Feminismos latinoamericanos: deseo, política y poder Carol Arcos Herrera

LTSP 272 - Literature and Society Studies Gloria Chacon



LTTH 210A - Proseminar on Literary Scholarship Daisuke Miyao


LTTH 115 - Introduction to Critical Theory Stephanie Jed

LTTH 210B - Introduction to Literary Theory Todd Kontje


LTTH 110 - History of Criticism Seth Lerer

LTTH 210C - Practicum in Literary Professionalization Amelia Glaser

LTTH 255 - Modern Art Movements and Aesthetics Brandon Som

Literatures of the World


LTWL 87 - Freshman Seminar Dystopia in Film and Lit Lisa Lampert-Weissig

LTWL 116 - Adolescent Literature The Young Adult Novel Nguyen Tan Hoang

LTWL 150 - Modernity and Literature Literature and Social Change in Modern Korea, 1910s-1990s Jin-kyung Lee

LTWL 176 - Literature and Ideas Caribbean Literature and Music Sara E. Johnson

LTWL 183 - Film Studies and Literature: Director's Work Iñárritu: Postmodern Filmmaker Alain J.-J. Cohen

LTWL 194 - Capstone Course for Literature Majors Todd Kontje


LTWL 87 - Freshman Seminar Vampires in Literature and Film Lisa Lampert-Weissig

LTWL 100 - Mythology Myths of the Ancient Greeks and Romans Page duBois

LTWL 114 - Childrens Literature Seth Lerer

LTWL 155 - Gender Studies Women on the Verge: Explorations of Gender Across Borders Andrea Mendoza

LTWL 155 - Gender Studies Sappho and After Page duBois

LTWL 165 - Literature and the Environment Pasquale Verdicchio

LTWL 177 - Literature and Aging Stephanie Jed

LTWL 184 - Film Studies and Literature: Close Analysis of Filmic Text Paranoia in Spy Films Alain J.-J. Cohen


LTWL 172 - Special Topics in Literature Metadrama: Is It Theater or Is It Theater? Adriana De Marchi Gherini

LTWL 192 - Senior Seminar in Literatures of the World The American War Novel: Herman Wouk Amelia Glaser



LTWR 8A - Writing Fiction Lily Hoàng

LTWR 8B - Writing Poetry Kazim Ali

LTWR 100 - Short Fiction Workshop Reading Like a Writer Marco Wilkinson

LTWR 103 - Digital Poetics Workshop Ben Doller

LTWR 113 - Intercultural Writing Workshop Marco Wilkinson

LTWR 115 - Experimental Writing Workshop Women’s Body-Language Experiments Melissa Banales

LTWR 119 - Writing for Performance You Are the Heart, You Are the Hammer Melissa Banales

LTWR 120 - Personal Narrative Workshop Marco Wilkinson

LTWR 129 - Distributing Literature Workshop Bruna Darini

LTWR 143 - Stylistics and Grammar Melissa Banales

LTWR 194 - Capstone Course for Writing Majors Lily Hoàng

LTWR 215 - Cross-Genre Workshop Ben Doller

LTWR 220 - Topics in Writing Aesthetics and Ethics of the Fragment Kazim Ali


LTWR 8A - Writing Fiction Jac Jemc

LTWR 8C - Writing Nonfiction Ben Doller

LTWR 100 - Short Fiction Workshop Marco Wilkinson

LTWR 102 - Poetry Workshop Bruna Darini

LTWR 110 - Screen Writing Jac Jemc

LTWR 114 - Graphic Texts Workshop Comics for Writers Anna Joy Springer

LTWR 115 - Experimental Writing Workshop Writing the Cities of the Interior Kazim Ali

LTWR 126 - Creative Nonfiction Workshop Writing and Science Marco Wilkinson

LTWR 140 - History of Writing Bruna Darini

LTWR 143 - Stylistics and Grammar Kazim Ali

LTWR 215 - Cross-Genre Workshop Works-In-Progress Anna Joy Springer

LTWR 220 - Topics in Writing Imagining Geographies Lily Hoàng


LTWR 8B - Writing Poetry Ben Doller

LTWR 8C - Writing Nonfiction Lily Hoàng

LTWR 100 - Short Fiction Workshop Eco-Fiction Marco Wilkinson

LTWR 102 - Poetry Workshop Ecopoetics and the Anthropocene Imagination Ben Doller

LTWR 106 - Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Irrealism Workshop Lily Hoàng

LTWR 113 - Intercultural Writing Workshop Don’t Need You: A Riot Grrrl Writing Workshop Melissa Banales

LTWR 115 - Experimental Writing Workshop Notebooks and Fragments Jac Jemc

LTWR 120 - Personal Narrative Workshop Lyric Memoir Marco Wilkinson

LTWR 148 - Theory for Writers/Writing for Theory Brandon Som

LTWR 215 - Cross-Genre Workshop Jac Jemc

Study of Religion


RELI 1 - Introduction to Religion Dayna Kalleres

RELI 144 - Devils and Demons in Christianity Dayna Kalleres


RELI 2 - Comparative World Religions Dayna Kalleres

RELI 87 - Freshman Seminar in Religion Beginning Meditation Pasquale Verdicchio

RELI 101 - Tools and Methods in the Study of Religion Dayna Kalleres


RELI 3 - Technoscience and Religion Babak Rahimi

RELI 189 - Seminar in Religion Razvan Amironesei