TENTATIVE. This is not an official document. Please check the official Schedule of Classes on TritonLink
No Course Offerings
No Course Offerings
No Course Offerings
LTAM 110 - Latin American Literature in Translation Anti-Colonial narratives of na Luis Martín-Cabrera
LTAM 110 - Latin American Literature in Translation Jody Blanco
No Course Offerings
LTCH 101 - Readings in Contemporary Chinese Literature Ping-hui Liao
No Course Offerings
LTCH 101 - Readings in Contemporary Chinese Literature Transmedia Practices Yiwen Wang
LTCO 201 - Theories and Methods of Literary Analysis Chinese Literature and World L Yingjin Zhang
LTCO 284 - Performativity Babak Rahimi
LTCO 282 - Literature and Philosophy Lacan and Freud Case Studies Alain J.-J. Cohen
LTCO 287 hb - Culture and Political Theory Autochthony, Myths of Origin Page duBois
LTCS 87 - Freshman Seminar Digital Intimacies Nguyen Tan Hoang
LTCS 108 - Gender, Race, and Artificial Intelligence Asa Mendelsohn
LTCS 119 - Asian American Film, Video, & New Media: The Politics of Pleasure Nguyen Tan Hoang
LTCS 150 - Topics in Cultural Studies Thought, Language, and the Sea Tera Reid-Olds
LTCS 250 - Topics in Cultural Studies Concrete Utopia Ameeth Vijay
LTCS 256 - Cultural Studies of Technoscience Mind without Body: Race, Gend Fatima El-Tayeb
LTCS 87 - Freshman Seminar Love at First Sight Nguyen Tan Hoang
LTCS 150 - Topics in Cultural Studies Thought, Language and the Sea Tera Reid-Olds
LTCS 172 - Special Topics in Screening Race/Ethnicity, Gender and Sexuality Global Queer Cinema Nguyen Tan Hoang
LTCS 173 - Topics in Violence and Visual Culture The Aesthetics of Violence Erin Graff Zivin
LTCS 250 - Topics in Cultural Studies Transmedial Exposure Erin Graff Zivin
LTCS 250 - Topics in Cultural Studies Inter-Disciplines: Between the Andrea Mendoza
LTCS 87 - Freshman Seminar Asian Horror Nguyen Tan Hoang
LTCS 87 - Freshman Seminar YA Literature and Film Nguyen Tan Hoang
LTCS 150 - Topics in Cultural Studies Tera Reid-Olds
LTCS 250 - Topics in Cultural Studies Materialisms, New and Old Daniel Vitkus
LTEA 110A - Classical Chinese Fiction in Translation Ping-hui Liao
LTEA 138 - Japanese Films Bad Girls: "Feminist" Theory Andrea Mendoza
LTEA 142 - Korean Film, Literature, and Popular Culture Pop Cultures of the Korean Pen Jin-kyung Lee
LTEA 152B - Topics in Filipino Literature and Culture (World War II-Present) Jody Blanco
LTEA 120C - Hong Kong Films Time, Space, Identity Yingjin Zhang
LTEA 132 - Later Japanese Literature in Translation Japanophone Speculative Fictio Andrea Mendoza
LTEA 143 - Gender and Sexuality in Korean Literature and Culture Femininities and Feminisms in Jin-kyung Lee
LTEN 21 - Introduction to the Literature of the British Isles: Pre-1660 Daniel Vitkus
LTEN 26 - Introduction to the Literature of the United States, 1865 to the Present Meg Wesling
LTEN 31 - Introduction to Indigenous Literature Kathryn Walkiewicz
LTEN 113 a - Shakespeare II: The Jacobean Period Daniel Vitkus
LTEN 124 b - Topics: The Nineteenth Century Topics of Turmoil in Victorian Margaret Loose
LTEN 125 b - Romantic Poetry Revolutions in Verse Sarah Nicolazzo
LTEN 155 - Interactions between American Literature and the Visual Arts Race as Spectacle Fatima El-Tayeb
LTEN 176 - Major American Writers William O'Brien
LTEN 178 d - Comparative Ethnic Literature Race, Geography, and Literary Kathryn Walkiewicz
LTEN 189 - Twentieth-Century Postcolonial Literatures Literature of Precarity Ameeth Vijay
LTEN 246 - Victorian Literature The Life of the Mind in Middle Margaret Loose
LTEN 22 - Introduction to the Literature of the British Isles: 1660-1832 Sarah Nicolazzo
LTEN 25 - Introduction to the Literature of the United States, Beginnings to 1865 Sara E. Johnson
LTEN 27 - Introduction to African American Literature Dennis Childs
LTEN 107 a - Chaucer Seth Lerer
LTEN 120 b - Topics: The Eighteenth Century Empire of Taste Sarah Nicolazzo
LTEN 152 c - The Origins of American Literature The Gothic Origins of U.S. Lit Kathryn Walkiewicz
LTEN 159 d - Contemporary American Literature Pandemic Fictions Erin Suzuki
LTEN 180 d - Chicano Literature in English Ariana Ruiz
LTEN 185 - Themes in African American Literature Dennis Childs
LTEN 189 - Twentieth-Century Postcolonial Literatures Pacific Islands Literatures Erin Suzuki
LTEN 271 - Genres in English Indigenous Speculative Fiction Kathryn Walkiewicz
LTEN 23 - Introduction to the Literature of the British Isles: 1832-Present Margaret Loose
LTEN 28 - Introduction to Asian American Literature Erin Suzuki
LTEN 112 a - Shakespeare I: The Elizabethan Period Seth Lerer
LTEN 127 b - Victorian Poetry Margaret Loose
LTEN 154 c - The American Renaissance Nineteenth-Century Radicals Kathryn Walkiewicz
LTEN 159 d - Contemporary American Literature Arts of Movements & Protest Ariana Ruiz
LTEN 169 d - Topics in Latino/a Literature Unruly Women in Latina/x Lit & Ariana Ruiz
LTEN 181 d - Asian American Literature Asian American Feminisms Erin Suzuki
LTEN 183 - African American Prose American Racial Gothic Narrati Dennis Childs
LTEN 185 - Themes in African American Literature Prison, Slavery, Abolition Dennis Childs
LTEN 192 - Senior Seminar in Literatures in English Careers for Literature Majors Margaret Loose
LTEN 252 - Studies in Modern American Literature and Culture Gay, Lesbian, Queer Fiction an Meg Wesling
LTEU 100 - Introduction to Italian Literature Italian short stories Adriana De Marchi Gherini
LTEU 140 - Italian Literature in Translation Primo Levi and Chemistry Stephanie Jed
LTEU 105 - Medieval Studies Dante’s Journey and Our Own Stephanie Jed
LTEU 140 - Italian Literature in Translation MIGRANT NARRATIVES: MEDITERRAN Pasquale Verdicchio
LTEU 141 - French Literature in English Translation Dangerous Liaisons in Films Alain J.-J. Cohen
LTEU 150B - Survey of Russian and Soviet Literature in Translation, 1860-1917 Amelia Glaser
LTFR 2A - Intermediate French I Catherine Ploye
LTFR 2B - Intermediate French II Catherine Ploye
LTFR 115 - Themes in Intellectual and Literary History DU MOYEN-AGE À LA RÉVOLUTION D Catherine Ploye
LTFR 2B - Intermediate French II Catherine Ploye
LTFR 2C - Intermediate French III: Composition and Cultural Contexts Catherine Ploye
LTFR 116 - Themes in Intellectual and Literary History Catherine Ploye
LTFR 2A - Intermediate French I Catherine Ploye
LTFR 2C - Intermediate French III: Composition and Cultural Contexts Catherine Ploye
LTFR 141 - Topics in Literatures in French French literature and racial m Oumelbanine Zhiri
LTGK 2 - Intermediate Greek (I) Kourtney Murray
LTGK 3 - Intermediate Greek (II) Kourtney Murray
LTGM 2A - Intermediate German I Eva Fischer-Grunski
LTGM 2B - Intermediate German II Eva Fischer-Grunski
LTGM 101 - German Studies II: National Identities Todd Kontje
LTGM 2C - Intermediate German III Eva Fischer-Grunski
LTIT 2A - Intermediate Italian I Adriana De Marchi Gherini
LTIT 2B - Intermediate Italian II Adriana De Marchi Gherini
LTIT 115 - Medieval Studies Dante’s Journey and Our Own Stephanie Jed
LTIT 50 - Advanced Italian Adriana De Marchi Gherini
LTKO 1A - Beginning Korean: First Year I Jeyseon Lee
LTKO 2A - Intermediate Korean: Second Year I Jeyseon Lee
LTKO 3 - Advanced Korean: Third Year Korean Language and Cultural S Jeyseon Lee
LTKO 1B - Beginning Korean: First Year II Don Lee
LTKO 1B - Beginning Korean: First Year II Nancy Yim
LTKO 1B - Beginning Korean: First Year II Jeyseon Lee
LTKO 2B - Intermediate Korean: Second Year II Jeyseon Lee
LTKO 100 - Readings in Korean Literature and Culture Readings from Colonial Korea Jin-kyung Lee
LTKO 1C - Beginning Korean: First Year III Jeyseon Lee
LTKO 1C - Beginning Korean: First Year III Don Lee
LTKO 1C - Beginning Korean: First Year III Nancy Yim
LTKO 2C - Intermediate Korean: Second Year III Jeyseon Lee
LTKO 100 - Readings in Korean Literature and Culture Readings from Postcolonial Sou Jin-kyung Lee
LTLA 1 - Beginning Latin Kourtney Murray
LTLA 100 - Introduction to Latin Literature Edward (Ted) Kelting
LTLA 2 - Intermediate Latin (I) Kourtney Murray
LTLA 105 - Topics in Latin Literature Metamorphosis and Magic Edward (Ted) Kelting
LTLA 3 - Intermediate Latin (II) Kourtney Murray
LTRU 1A - First-Year Russian Rebecca Wells
LTRU 2A - Second-Year Russian Rebecca Wells
LTRU 104B - Advanced Practicum in Russian: Analysis of Text and Film Rebecca Wells
LTRU 1B - First-Year Russian Rebecca Wells
LTRU 2B - Second-Year Russian Rebecca Wells
LTRU 104C - Advanced Practicum in Russian: Analysis of Text and Film Rebecca Wells
LTRU 1C - First Year Russian Rebecca Wells
LTRU 104A - Advanced Practicum in Russian Rebecca Wells
LTRU 110B - Survey of Russian and Soviet Literature in Translation, 1860-1917 Amelia Glaser
LTSP 2A - Intermediate Spanish I: Foundations Virginia Arreola
LTSP 2B - Intermediate Spanish II: Readings and Composition Virginia Arreola
LTSP 2D - Intermediate/Advanced Spanish: Spanish for Bilingual Speakers Virginia Arreola
LTSP 50A - Readings in Peninsular Literature Max Parra
LTSP 135A sp - Mexican Literature before 1910 Cult y Nación en Méx Siglo XIX Max Parra
LTSP 159 - Methodological Approaches to the Study of History and Culture in Latin America and the Caribbean Crítica cultural brasileña Carol Arcos H.
LTSP 170 - Contemporary Theories of Cultural Production Feminismos anticoloniales Carol Arcos H.
LTSP 2B - Intermediate Spanish II: Readings and Composition Eduardo Caro Meléndez
LTSP 2C - Intermediate Spanish III: Cultural Topics and Composition Noelia Domínguez
LTSP 2E - Advanced Readings and Composition for Bilingual Speakers Gloria Chacon
LTSP 135B - Modern Mexican Literature Max Parra
LTSP 172 - Indigenista Themes in Latin American Literature Mexico and Central America Gloria Chacon
LTSP 174 - Topics in Culture and Politics Sex, Women, and the Text Gloria Chacon
LTSP 272 - Literature and Society Studies Teorias ecoculturales en Ameri Luis Martín-Cabrera
LTSP 2A - Intermediate Spanish I: Foundations Eduardo Caro Meléndez
LTSP 2C - Intermediate Spanish III: Cultural Topics and Composition Ángel Ruiz Blanco
LTSP 2C - Intermediate Spanish III: Cultural Topics and Composition Noelia Domínguez
LTSP 136 - Andean Literature Estudios culturales andinos Carol Arcos H.
LTSP 140 - Latin American Novel Jody Blanco
LTSP 174 - Topics in Culture and Politics Imaginarios Transpacíficos Andrea Mendoza
LTSP 175 - Gender, Sexuality, and Culture Memorias feministas transgener Carol Arcos H.
LTSP 272 - Literature and Society Studies Gloria Chacon
LTTH 110 - History of Criticism Sarah Nicolazzo
LTTH 210A - Proseminar on Literary Scholarship Daisuke Miyao
LTTH 210B - Introduction to Literary Theory Stephanie Jed
LTTH 210C - Practicum in Literary Professionalization Sarah Nicolazzo
LTTH 250 - Writing and Theory Amy Sara Carroll
LTWL 19A - Introduction to the Ancient Greeks and Romans Edward (Ted) Kelting
LTWL 172 - Special Topics in Literature Cold War Film and the “Other" Amelia Glaser
LTWL 177 - Literature and Aging Stephanie Jed
LTWL 181 - Film Studies and Literature: Film Movement New Queer Cinema and Its Afterl Nguyen Tan Hoang
LTWL 194 - Capstone Course for Literature Majors Seth Lerer
LTWL 19B - Introduction to the Ancient Greeks and Romans Edward (Ted) Kelting
LTWL 120 - Popular Literature and Culture Latinx Cultural Expressions Ariana Ruiz
LTWL 124 - Science Fiction Arab Speculative Fiction Amanda Batarseh
LTWL 165 - Literature and the Environment Pasquale Verdicchio
LTWL 172 - Special Topics in Literature Heroes and Villains Adriana De Marchi Gherini
LTWL 184 - Film Studies and Literature: Close Analysis of Filmic Text Stanley Kubrick’s Masterworks Alain J.-J. Cohen
LTWL 19C - Introduction to the Ancient Greeks and Romans Jacobo Myerston
LTWL 100 - Mythology Comparative World Mythology Page duBois
LTWL 128 - Introduction to Semiotics and Applications Analysis of Dreams in Cinema Alain J.-J. Cohen
LTWL 172 - Special Topics in Literature MURDERS DETECTIVES & MYSTERIES Adriana De Marchi Gherini
LTWL 176 - Literature and Ideas PHOTOGRAPHY AS A LITERARY ART Pasquale Verdicchio
LTWL 180 - Film Studies and Literature: Film History NEOREALIST FILM GLOBAL CONTEXT Pasquale Verdicchio
LTWL 184 - Film Studies and Literature: Close Analysis of Filmic Text The Video Essay Nguyen Tan Hoang
LTWR 8A - Writing Fiction Anna Joy Springer
LTWR 8B - Writing Poetry Brandon Som
LTWR 100 - Short Fiction Workshop Reading Like a Writer Camille Forbes
LTWR 102 - Poetry Workshop Bruna Darini
LTWR 104A - The Novella I Lily Hoàng
LTWR 110 - Screen Writing Jac Jemc
LTWR 113 - Intercultural Writing Workshop Brandon Som
LTWR 120 - Personal Narrative Workshop Memoir and Life Writing Seth Lerer
LTWR 124 - Translation of Literary Texts Workshop Kazim Ali
LTWR 126 - Creative Nonfiction Workshop Social Justice & Storytelling Camille Forbes
LTWR 143 - Stylistics and Grammar Jac Jemc
LTWR 194 - Capstone Course for Writing Majors Lily Hoàng
LTWR 215 - Cross-Genre Workshop Chaos, Territory, Text Kazim Ali
LTWR 220 - Topics in Writing Comics for Writers Anna Joy Springer
LTWR 8A - Writing Fiction Jac Jemc
LTWR 8C - Writing Nonfiction Amy Sara Carroll
LTWR 100 - Short Fiction Workshop Lily Hoàng
LTWR 102 - Poetry Workshop Ben Doller
LTWR 104B - The Novella II Lily Hoàng
LTWR 106 - Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Irrealism Workshop Re-spinning Gold Anna Joy Springer
LTWR 113 - Intercultural Writing Workshop Cree Narrative Strategies Kazim Ali
LTWR 114 - Graphic Texts Workshop Comics For Story Writers Anna Joy Springer
LTWR 115 - Experimental Writing Workshop Codeswitch Amy Sara Carroll
LTWR 148 - Theory for Writers/Writing for Theory Bruna Darini
LTWR 215 - Cross-Genre Workshop Ben Doller
LTWR 220 - Topics in Writing Horror Jac Jemc
LTWR 8B - Writing Poetry Kazim Ali
LTWR 8C - Writing Nonfiction Camille Forbes
LTWR 100 - Short Fiction Workshop Reading Like a Writer Camille Forbes
LTWR 102 - Poetry Workshop Ben Doller
LTWR 110 - Screen Writing Jac Jemc
LTWR 115 - Experimental Writing Workshop Kazim Ali
LTWR 126 - Creative Nonfiction Workshop The Comedic Essay Jac Jemc
LTWR 129 - Distributing Literature Workshop Ben Doller
LTWR 140 - History of Writing Amy Sara Carroll
LTWR 215 - Cross-Genre Workshop Lily Hoàng
RELI 1 - Introduction to Religion Dayna Kalleres
RELI 188 - Special Topics in Religion Dayna Kalleres
RELI 2 - Comparative World Religions Dayna Kalleres
RELI 188 - Special Topics in Religion Religion and Race in America Dayna Kalleres
RELI 101 - Tools and Methods in the Study of Religion Babak Rahimi
RELI 150 - Religion and Cinema Babak Rahimi