TENTATIVE. This is not an official document. Please check the official Schedule of Classes on TritonLink
No Course Offerings
LTAF 120 - Literature and Film of Modern Africa Gabriel Bámgbóṣé
No Course Offerings
LTAM 110 - Latin American Literature in Translation Gloria Chacon
No Course Offerings
LTAM 111 - Comparative Caribbean Discourse Sara E. Johnson
No Course Offerings
LTCH 101 - Readings in Contemporary Chinese Literature Ping-hui Liao
No Course Offerings
LTCO 201 - Theories and Methods of Literary Analysis Trans-Indigenous Perspectives on Arabic Lit Amanda Batarseh
LTCO 287 hb - Culture and Political Theory Racism before Race: Difference-Making in the Ancient World Edward (Ted) Kelting
LTCO 281 - Literature and Film East Asian Ecocritical Literature and Film Géraldine Fiss
LTCO 285 - Literature and Aesthetics Translation Theory and Practice Amelia Glaser
LTCO 282 - Literature and Philosophy Theory from the Global South Jacobo Myerston
LTCS 87 - First-year Seminar Love at First Sight Nguyen Tan Hoang
LTCS 111 - Special Topics in Popular Culture in Historical Context Special Topics in Popular Culture in Historical Context: American Cinema of the 1980s Daniel Vitkus
LTCS 119 - Asian American Film, Video, & New Media: The Politics of Pleasure Nguyen Tan Hoang
LTCS 130 - Gender, Race/Ethnicity, Class, and Culture Transnational Feminisms Joo Ok Kim
LTCS 165 - Special Topics: The Politics of Food Joo Ok Kim
LTCS 225 hb - Interdisciplinary and Historical Analysis of Cultural Texts The Global Eighteenth Century Todd Kontje
LTCS 108 - Gender, Race, and Artificial Intelligence Kathryn Walkiewicz
LTCS 150 - Topics in Cultural Studies Empire, Modernity, Race, and “Japan” Andrea Mendoza
LTCS 180 - Programming for the Humanities Jacobo Myerston
LTCS 87 - First-year Seminar Love at First Sight Nguyen Tan Hoang
LTCS 172 - Special Topics in Screening Race/Ethnicity, Gender and Sexuality Dayna Kalleres
LTCS 222 hb - Topics in Theory and History of Film The Video Essay Nguyen Tan Hoang
LTCS 225 hb - Interdisciplinary and Historical Analysis of Cultural Texts The Senses: 'Who Smells?’ Page duBois
LTCS 250 - Topics in Cultural Studies BORDERLANDS//BORDERWORK Amy Sara Carroll
LTEA 120A - Chinese Films Chinese Cinema in Global Perspective Géraldine Fiss
LTEA 140 - Modern Korean Literature in Translation from Colonial Period Jin-kyung Lee
LTEA 142 - Korean Film, Literature, and Popular Culture Popular Culture and New Racial Formation in Global and Transnational Korea Jin-kyung Lee
LTEA 138 - Japanese Films Introduction Daisuke Miyao
LTEA 141 - Modern Korean Literature in Translation from 1945 to Present Jin-kyung Lee
LTEA 110C - Contemporary Chinese Fiction in Translation Enlightenment, Revolution, and Modernity in China Géraldine Fiss
LTEA 120B - Taiwan Films Ping-hui Liao
LTEA 132 - Later Japanese Literature in Translation Andrea Mendoza
LTEA 143 - Gender and Sexuality in Korean Literature and Culture Jin-kyung Lee
LTEN 21 - Introduction to the Literature of the British Isles: Pre-1660 Lisa Lampert-Weissig
LTEN 25 - Introduction to the Literature of the United States, Beginnings to 1865 Sara E. Johnson
LTEN 29 - Introduction to Chicano Literature Ariana Ruiz
LTEN 107 a - Chaucer Lisa Lampert-Weissig
LTEN 117 a - Topics: The Seventeenth Century The Seventeenth Century: Milton Daniel Vitkus
LTEN 127 b - Victorian Poetry What It’s About and How It Does It Margaret Loose
LTEN 142 b - The British Novel: 1830-1890 George Eliot’s Middlemarch Margaret Loose
LTEN 148 - Genres in English and American Literature Contemporary Indigenous Poetry Kathryn Walkiewicz
LTEN 152 c - The Origins of American Literature California in the Literary Imagination Kathryn Walkiewicz
LTEN 180 d - Chicano Literature in English Ariana Ruiz
LTEN 252 - Studies in Modern American Literature and Culture Queer Theory and Literature Meg Wesling
LTEN 23 - Introduction to the Literature of the British Isles: 1832-Present Margaret Loose
LTEN 28 - Introduction to Asian American Literature Joo Ok Kim
LTEN 113 a - Shakespeare II: The Jacobean Period Daniel Vitkus
LTEN 128 b - British and Irish Poetry:1900 to Present Experimentalism in Modern British and Anglophone Poetry Ameeth Vijay
LTEN 142 b - The British Novel: 1830-1890 Seth Lerer
LTEN 149 - Topics: English-Language Literature Sherlock Holmes and the Art of Critical Thinking Margaret Loose
LTEN 178 d - Comparative Ethnic Literature Shelley Streeby
LTEN 180 d - Chicano Literature in English Christopher Perreira
LTEN 181 d - Asian American Literature Joo Ok Kim
LTEN 183 c - African American Prose American Racial Gothic Narratives Dennis Childs
LTEN 185 d - Themes in African American Literature Prison, Slavery, Abolition Dennis Childs
LTEN 189 - Twentieth-Century Postcolonial Literatures Literature of the South Asian Diaspora Ameeth Vijay
LTEN 245 - Nineteenth-Century American Studies Printing Kinship in 19th-Century America Kathryn Walkiewicz
LTEN 272 hb - Cultural Traditions in English Encountering the archive in theory and practice Lisa Lampert-Weissig
LTEN 22 - Introduction to the Literature of the British Isles: 1660-1832 Sarah Nicolazzo
LTEN 26 - Introduction to the Literature of the United States, 1865 to the Present Meg Wesling
LTEN 27 - Introduction to African American Literature Dennis Childs
LTEN 112 a - Shakespeare I: The Elizabethan Period Seth Lerer
LTEN 142 b - The British Novel: 1830-1890 Novels of Charles Dickens Margaret Loose
LTEN 144 b - The British Novel: 1890 to Present Virginia Woolf Ameeth Vijay
LTEN 176 c - Major American Writers Phillis Wheatley And Her World Sarah Nicolazzo
LTEN 179 - Topics: Arab and Muslim American Identity Articulating Arabness: Race, Gender, Sexuality & Empire Amanda Batarseh
LTEN 181 d - Asian American Literature The Art of Failure Erin Suzuki
LTEN 185 - Themes in African American Literature Dennis Childs
LTEN 189 - Twentieth-Century Postcolonial Literatures Modern African Drama & Decolonization Gabriel Bámgbóṣé
LTEN 281 - Practicum in Literary Research and Criticism Job Market Prep Workshop Ameeth Vijay
No Course Offerings
LTEU 105 - Medieval Studies Love, Sex and Friendship at the time of the Plague Adriana De Marchi Gherini
LTEU 141 - French Literature in English Translation French Perspectives on Sex and Gender Meg Wesling
LTEU 150A - Survey of Russian and Soviet Literature in Translation, 1800-1860 Amelia Glaser
LTEU 100 - Introduction to Italian Literature Italian Short Stories Adriana De Marchi Gherini
LTEU 141 - French Literature in English Translation Proust & Proust-in-Film Alain J.-J. Cohen
LTEU 154 - Russian Culture The Literatures of Ukraine Amelia Glaser
LTFR 2A - Intermediate French I Catherine Ploye
LTFR 2B - Intermediate French II Catherine Ploye
LTFR 104 - Advanced French Reading and Writing Catherine Ploye
LTFR 116 - Themes in Intellectual and Literary History Oumelbanine Zhiri
LTFR 2B - Intermediate French II Catherine Ploye
LTFR 2C - Intermediate French III: Composition and Cultural Contexts Catherine Ploye
LTFR 141 - Topics in Literatures in French Oumelbanine Zhiri
LTFR 2A - Intermediate French I Catherine Ploye
LTFR 2C - Intermediate French III: Composition and Cultural Contexts Catherine Ploye
LTFR 104 - Advanced French Reading and Writing Oumelbanine Zhiri
LTGK 2 - Intermediate Greek (I) Kourtney Murray
LTGK 3 - Intermediate Greek (II) Kourtney Murray
LTGM 2A - Intermediate German I Eva Fischer-Grunski
LTGM 2B - Intermediate German II Eva Fischer-Grunski
LTGM 2C - Intermediate German III Eva Fischer-Grunski
LTIT 2A - Intermediate Italian I Adriana De Marchi Gherini
LTIT 2B - Intermediate Italian II Adriana De Marchi Gherini
LTIT 115 - Medieval Studies Love, Sex and Friendship at the time of the Plague Adriana De Marchi Gherini
No Course Offerings
LTKO 1A - Beginning Korean: First Year I Various Instructors
LTKO 2A - Intermediate Korean: Second Year I Various Instructors
LTKO 130 - Advanced-Korean: Third-Year Jeyseon Lee
LTKO 1B - Beginning Korean: First Year II Various Instructors
LTKO 2B - Intermediate Korean: Second Year II Jeyseon Lee
LTKO 130 - Advanced-Korean: Third-Year Jeyseon Lee
LTKO 1C - Beginning Korean: First Year III Various Instructors
LTKO 2C - Intermediate Korean: Second Year III Jeyseon Lee
LTKO 130 - Advanced-Korean: Third-Year Jeyseon Lee
LTLA 1 - Beginning Latin Kourtney Murray
LTLA 100 - Introduction to Latin Literature Edward (Ted) Kelting
LTLA 2 - Intermediate Latin (I) Kourtney Murray
LTLA 103 - Latin Drama Roman Comedy Edward (Ted) Kelting
LTLA 3 - Intermediate Latin (II) Kourtney Murray
LTRU 1A - First-Year Russian Rebecca Wells
LTRU 2A - Second-Year Russian Rebecca Wells
LTRU 104B - Advanced Practicum in Russian: Analysis of Text and Film Rebecca Wells
LTRU 1B - First-Year Russian Rebecca Wells
LTRU 2B - Second-Year Russian Rebecca Wells
LTRU 104C - Advanced Practicum in Russian: Analysis of Text and Film Rebecca Wells
LTRU 110A - Survey of Russian and Soviet Literature in Translation, 1800-1860 Amelia Glaser
LTRU 1C - First Year Russian Rebecca Wells
LTRU 104A - Advanced Practicum in Russian Rebecca Wells
LTRU 150 - Russian Culture The Literatures of Ukraine Amelia Glaser
LTSP 2A - Intermediate Spanish I: Foundations Various Instructors
LTSP 2B - Intermediate Spanish II: Readings and Composition Various Instructors
LTSP 2D - Intermediate/Advanced Spanish: Spanish for Bilingual Speakers Various Instructors
LTSP 2E - Advanced Readings and Composition for Bilingual Speakers Allie Mastromartino
LTSP 100A - Advanced Spanish Reading and Writing for the Humanities and the Social Sciences Carol Arcos H.
LTSP 100B - Advanced Spanish Reading and Writing for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (Heritage Speakers) Luis Martín-Cabrera
LTSP 116 sp - Representations of Spanish Colonialism Jody Blanco
LTSP 140 - Latin American Novel Gloria Chacon
LTSP 175 - Gender, Sexuality, and Culture El estallido social en Chile Carol Arcos H.
LTSP 2B - Intermediate Spanish II: Readings and Composition Various Instructors
LTSP 2C - Intermediate Spanish III: Cultural Topics and Composition Various Instructors
LTSP 2E - Advanced Readings and Composition for Bilingual Speakers Various Instructors
LTSP 100A - Advanced Spanish Reading and Writing for the Humanities and the Social Sciences Luis Martín-Cabrera
LTSP 100B - Advanced Spanish Reading and Writing for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (Heritage Speakers) Ryan Bessett
LTSP 116 sp - Representations of Spanish Colonialism Ignacio Carvajal
LTSP 169 - Latin American Popular & Mass Cultures Luis Martín-Cabrera
LTSP 172 - Indigenista Themes in Latin American Literature Gloria Chacon
LTSP 272 - Literature and Society Studies Trayectorias feministas en A.L Carol Arcos H.
LTSP 2A - Intermediate Spanish I: Foundations Various Instructors
LTSP 2C - Intermediate Spanish III: Cultural Topics and Composition Various Instructors
LTSP 2D - Intermediate/Advanced Spanish: Spanish for Bilingual Speakers Ryan Bessett
LTSP 2E - Advanced Readings and Composition for Bilingual Speakers Allie Mastromartino
LTSP 100B - Advanced Spanish Reading and Writing for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (Heritage Speakers) Luis Martín-Cabrera
LTSP 100B - Advanced Spanish Reading and Writing for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (Heritage Speakers) Carol Arcos H.
LTSP 135A sp - Mexican Literature before 1910 Mex Siglo XIX: Cult/Hist/Pol Max Parra
LTSP 138 - Central American Literature Tradition, Movement, Diaspora Ignacio Carvajal
LTSP 155 - Asia in Latin America Andrea Mendoza
LTSP 166 - Creative Writing Carol Arcos H.
LTSP 174 - Topics in Culture and Politics Ecocolonialismo: narrativas de la transición energética en América Latina Luis Martín-Cabrera
LTSP 272 hb - Literature and Society Studies The Spanish Pacific: Empires and Indigeneities Jody Blanco
LTTH 150 - Topics in Critical Theory "French Theory"&"Film Theory" Alain J.-J. Cohen
LTTH 210A - Proseminar on Literary Scholarship Sarah Nicolazzo
LTTH 115 - Introduction to Critical Theory Daniel Vitkus
LTTH 210B - Introduction to Literary Theory Oumelbanine Zhiri
LTTH 210C - Practicum in Literary Professionalization Erin Suzuki
LTTH 250 - Writing and Theory Marco Wilkinson
LTWL 19A - Introduction to the Ancient Greeks and Romans Jacobo Myerston
LTWL 87 - First-Year Seminar Vampires in Literature and Film Lisa Lampert-Weissig
LTWL 116 - Adolescent Literature YA Literature and Film Nguyen Tan Hoang
LTWL 120 - Popular Literature and Culture The Fantastic in Modern East Asian Literature and Film Géraldine Fiss
LTWL 172 - Special Topics in Literature Surrealism and Magic Realism Adriana De Marchi Gherini
LTWL 180 - Film Studies and Literature: Film History German Film Todd Kontje
LTWL 194 - Capstone Course for Literature Majors Erin Suzuki
LTWL 19B - Introduction to the Ancient Greeks and Romans Page duBois
LTWL 110B - Folk and Fairy Tales Amanda Batarseh
LTWL 114 - Childrens Literature Géraldine Fiss
LTWL 124 - Science Fiction Arab Speculative Fiction Amanda Batarseh
LTWL 128 - Introduction to Semiotics and Applications Analysis of Dreams in Cinema Alain J.-J. Cohen
LTWL 155 - Gender Studies Gender, Art, and Politics in East Asia Andrea Mendoza
LTWL 165 - Literature and the Environment Seth Lerer
LTWL 180 - Film Studies and Literature: Film History Alternate Japanese Films Daisuke Miyao
LTWL 181 - Film Studies and Literature: Film Movement Bent Is Beautiful: Queer Cinema Nguyen Tan Hoang
LTWL 184 - Film Studies and Literature: Close Analysis of Filmic Text Spy Films & Paranoia Alain J.-J. Cohen
LTWL 19C - Introduction to the Ancient Greeks and Romans Edward (Ted) Kelting
LTWL 87 - First-Year Seminar Film Spectatorship Nguyen Tan Hoang
LTWL 100 - Mythology Comparative World Mythology Page duBois
LTWL 140 - Novel and History in the Third World Amanda Batarseh
LTWL 150 - Modernity and Literature Tracing the Enlightenment and Modernist Response in Europe, America, Japan, and China Géraldine Fiss
LTWL 157 - Iranian Film Babak Rahimi
LTWL 160 - Women and Literature Women Writing Africa Gabriel Bámgbóṣé
LTWL 172 - Special Topics in Literature Literature and Food Adriana De Marchi Gherini
LTWL 183 - Film Studies and Literature: Director's Work Iñárritu Postmodern Cinema Alain J.-J. Cohen
LTWL 184 - Film Studies and Literature: Close Analysis of Filmic Text Nightmare Hollywood: Hitchcock, Scott, Friedkin, Lynch Daisuke Miyao
LTWR 8A - Writing Fiction Jac Jemc
LTWR 8C - Writing Nonfiction Camille Forbes
LTWR 100 - Short Fiction Workshop Cindy Ok
LTWR 102 - Poetry Workshop Cindy Ok
LTWR 115 - Experimental Writing Workshop Codeswitch Amy Sara Carroll
LTWR 119 - Writing for Performance Cindy Ok
LTWR 140 - History of Writing Amy Sara Carroll
LTWR 194 - Capstone Course for Writing Majors Brandon Som
LTWR 215 - Cross-Genre Workshop Brandon Som
LTWR 220 - Topics in Writing Fragmented Narratives Jac Jemc
LTWR 8B - Writing Poetry Brandon Som
LTWR 8C - Writing Nonfiction Casandra Lopez
LTWR 100 - Short Fiction Workshop Casandra Lopez
LTWR 103 - Digital Poetics Workshop Ben Doller
LTWR 106 - Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Irrealism Workshop Fabulism Jac Jemc
LTWR 110 - Screen Writing Jac Jemc
LTWR 120 - Personal Narrative Workshop Camille Forbes
LTWR 122 - Writing for the Sciences Workshop Marco Wilkinson
LTWR 144 - The Teaching of Writing Amy Sara Carroll
LTWR 215 - Cross-Genre Workshop Ben Doller
LTWR 220 - Topics in Writing Writing Into Absent Histories Kazim Ali
LTWR 8A - Writing Fiction Anna Joy Springer
LTWR 8B - Writing Poetry Ben Doller
LTWR 100 - Short Fiction Workshop Camille Forbes
LTWR 102 - Poetry Workshop The Poetic Line Brandon Som
LTWR 109 - Writing and Publishing Children's Literature Ben Doller
LTWR 115 - Experimental Writing Workshop Prosimetric Texts: Experiments in Prose and Verse Brandon Som
LTWR 120 - Personal Narrative Workshop Memoir Seth Lerer
LTWR 122 - Writing for the Sciences Workshop Marco Wilkinson
LTWR 126 - Creative Nonfiction Workshop Camille Forbes
LTWR 143 - Stylistics and Grammar Casandra Lopez
LTWR 215 - Cross-Genre Workshop Visualizing Literature: Stage, Sequence, Pace Anna Joy Springer
RELI 1 - Introduction to Religion Dayna Kalleres
RELI 2 - Comparative World Religions Dayna Kalleres
RELI 101 - Tools and Methods in the Study of Religion Babak Rahimi
RELI 188 - Special Topics in Religion Religion and Race in America Dayna Kalleres
RELI 3 - Technoscience and Religion Dayna Kalleres
RELI 189 - Seminar in Religion Babak Rahimi