TENTATIVE. This is not an official document. Please check the official Schedule of Classes on TritonLink

Graduate - PhD


LTCO 201 - Theories and Methods of Literary Analysis Transpacific Turns: Literary T Andrea Mendoza

LTCO 282 - Literature and Philosophy Postmodern Films and Theories Alain J.-J. Cohen

LTEN 259 - Transnational Literary Studies Erin Suzuki

LTSP 272 - Literature and Society Studies Gloria Chacon

LTTH 210A - Proseminar on Literary Scholarship Sarah Nicolazzo


LTCO 201 hb - Theories and Methods of Literary Analysis Oumelbanine Zhiri

LTCO 281 - Literature and Film Ozu and Film Studies Daisuke Miyao

LTCS 250 - Topics in Cultural Studies Ping-hui Liao

LTEN 222 hb - Elizabethan Studies Empire, Race, and Slavery Daniel Vitkus

LTEN 254 - Topics in US Minority Literatures and Cultures Citizenships & Latinidad Ariana Ruiz

LTSP 272 - Literature and Society Studies Estudios culturales latinoamer Carol Arcos H.

LTTH 210B - Introduction to Literary Theory Todd Kontje


LTCO 285 - Literature and Aesthetics Modern Chinese Aesthetics and Literature in Comparative Perspective Géraldine Fiss

LTCS 225 hb - Interdisciplinary and Historical Analysis of Cultural Texts Slavery and the Literary Imagination Sara E. Johnson

LTEN 272 - Cultural Traditions in English Transnational Feminisms Joo Ok Kim

LTTH 210C - Practicum in Literary Professionalization Amanda Batarseh

Graduate - MFA


LTWR 215 - Cross-Genre Workshop Jac Jemc

LTWR 220 - Topics in Writing Says Simon: Composing Scene, S Lily Hoàng


LTWR 215 - Cross-Genre Workshop Amy Sara Carroll

LTWR 220 - Topics in Writing Prosimetric Texts Brandon Som


LTTH 255 - Modern Art Movements and Aesthetics Camille Forbes

LTWR 215 - Cross-Genre Workshop Narrative Works-In-Progress Anna Joy Springer