TENTATIVE. This is not an official document. Please check the official Schedule of Classes on TritonLink
LTCO 281 - Literature and Film Chinese Labor Utopias and Dystopias Ping Zhu
LTCO 284 - Performativity Babak Rahimi
LTEN 256 - Postcolonial Discourses Postcolonial Entanglements Joo Ok Kim
LTEN 259 - Transnational Literary Studies Infrastructures Ameeth Vijay
LTSP 272 - Literature and Society Studies Brazilian Cultural Studies Carol Arcos H.
LTTH 210A - Proseminar on Literary Scholarship Géraldine Fiss
LTCO 281 - Literature and Film Archives, Archeology, and Feminist Historiographies Silpa Mukherjee
LTCO 282 - Literature and Philosophy Scorsese Essayist DarkerPsyche Alain J.-J. Cohen
LTEN 252 - Studies in Modern American Literature and Culture Queer Literature and Theory Meg Wesling
LTEN 272 hb - Cultural Traditions in English Encountering the Archive in Theory and Practice Lisa Lampert-Weissig
LTTH 210B - Introduction to Literary Theory Jody Blanco
LTCO 287 - Culture and Political Theory Intersectional Materialism Daniel Vitkus
LTCS 222 - Topics in Theory and History of Film The Video Essay Nguyen Tan Hoang
LTCS 250 - Topics in Cultural Studies Racism, Ancient and New Jacobo Myerston
LTEN 231 hb - Restoration and Eighteenth-Century English Literature The Queer Eighteenth Century Lillian Lu
LTEN 254 - Topics in US Minority Literatures and Cultures Disrupting Latinidades Ariana Ruiz
LTSP 272 - Literature and Society Studies Latin America in Theory Gloria Chacon
LTTH 210C - Practicum in Contemporary Literary Theory Amelia Glaser
LTTH 260 - Job Materials/Career Planning Workshop Andrea Mendoza
LTWR 215 - Cross-Genre Workshop Lily Hoàng
LTWR 215 - Cross-Genre Workshop Marco Wilkinson
LTWR 220 - Topics in Writing Daily Poetics, Daily Practice Brandon Som