LTAM 110 - Latin American Literature in Translation
Anti-Colonial narratives of na
Prior to the arrival of the Spanish Conquerors to the Continent the indigenous people in Latin America and the Caribbean had a different relation with nature and the environment. The arrival of the white European man introduced a utilitarian conception of nature radically separating the later from culture. Indigenous epistemologies, however, did not vanished into thin air, but rather continued to exist and inform indigenous and non-indigenous forms of relating to nature and the environment. 
class has two parts. In the first part we will examine the notions of nature
and the environment as they appear in a number of colonial texts from authors
such as Álvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca, Inca Garcilaso de la Vega or Guamán Poma de
Ayala all the way to the XIX century. The second part of the class will examine
filmic and oral anti-colonial narratives that question the old notions of
development, and progress and the newer forms of economic extractivism (i.e.
mining, agrobusinesses, electric dams etc.) so prevalent in the new economic
models of the region. In addition, the class will include theoretical readings
from eco-feminist and indigenous thinkers such as Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui, Marisol de
la Cadena, María Galindo, Berta Cáceres, Julieta Paredes, and others. Forms of
evaluation: short response papers, participation in the CANVAS chat, and a
final creative digital project.
LTAM 110 The Americas
LTCH 101 - Readings in Contemporary Chinese Literature
Please contact instructor for course description.
LTCH 101 Chinese
LTCH 101 Asia
LTCS 87 - Freshman Seminar
Digital Intimacies
Please contact instructor for course description.
LTCS 108 - Gender, Race, and Artificial Intelligence
Please contact instructor for course description.
LTCS 108
LTCS 119 - Asian American Film, Video, & New Media: The Politics of Pleasure
The course explores the role of pleasure in
the production, reception, and performance of Asian American identities in the
mass media of film, video, and the Internet. We will review the debates about
stereotype criticism in Asian American media studies and go on to examine the
“perverse” potentials of spectatorship. The course considers how the
representations of the deviant sexuality of Asian Americans (e.g. hypersexual
women and emasculated men) do more than uniformly harm and subjugate Asian
American subjects. The films in the course alternate between those produced by
dominant culture and the interventions made by Asian American filmmakers. We
will investigate how pleasure functions in relation to both sets of texts and
consider perspectives that cannot be reduced to uncritical celebration or
righteous condemnation. Exploration of these issues will draw on theoretical
developments in cultural studies, film studies, feminist theory, queer theory,
and sexuality studies, alongside Asian American studies.
LTCS 119
LTCS 150 - Topics in Cultural Studies
Thought, Language, and the Sea
This course focuses on the sea as a subject and a
conceptual space in world literature and film. At the crosscurrents of
multilingualism, maritime studies, and postcolonial theory, we will examine
topics such as language politics, border spaces, and alternative histories of
the Mediterranean and the Caribbean.
LTEA 120B - Taiwan Films
Please contact instructor for course description.
LTEA 120B Asia
LTEA 138 - Japanese Films
This course offers an introduction to the study of
Japanese cinema.  This course pays close
attention to the languages and styles of films as well as the historical and
socio-cultural contexts.  The primary
goal of this course is to learn how to read formal and historical aspects of films
and develop ability to talk about films in critical terms.
LTEA 138
LTEA 138 Asia
LTEN 21 - Introduction to the Literature of the British Isles: Pre-1660
This course surveys English literature from the Anglo-Saxon era to the Renaissance and introduces students to the university-level study of Medieval and Renaissance literature. From the adventures of the warrior Beowulf to Chaucer's pilgrims in The Canterbury Tales to Shakespeare's sonnets to the temptation and fall of Adam and Eve in Milton’s Paradise Lost, we will trace the development of English literature and culture through the centuries, from Old English to Middle English to Modern English. Lectures will discuss the assigned readings and their cultural, social, and political contexts while asking students to engage in critical analysis, close reading, and other forms of textual interpretation.  At the same time, we will identify and analyze the specific artistic techniques and rhetorical strategies (including verse form, symbol, allegory, and other forms of figurative language) that shape and enliven these lasting works of art.  Students will learn how Medieval and Renaissance cultures were different from our own, but they will also consider how these early texts and their authors continue to speak to us today.
LTEN 26 - Introduction to the Literature of the United States, 1865 to the Present
In this survey of literatures written
in the U.S. since the Civil War, we’ll take as our theme “Narrating Our
Americas,” reconsidering the concept of “America” and the Americas as a way of
posing a number of questions about the relationship between U.S. literature and
American national identity.  In
particular, we will trace the development of national consciousness across 150+
years, considering how literary texts have constructed competing and often
contradictory understandings of U.S. culture.  
We’ll pay particular attention to the evolution of national identity in
relation to major social and economic transformations such as
industrialization, migration, and urbanization and to radical political
reorientations through broad-scale movements like anti-racist struggles,
feminist movements, and workers’ rights. 
Our goal will be to conceive of the literary in dynamic relation to the
cultural and political history of the U.S. since 1865, to ask how these
literary texts offer their own visions of U.S. history, and to consider how
these visions might productively challenge and radically reshape our notions of
Americanness in the twenty-first century.
LTEN 31 - Introduction to Indigenous Literature
This course introduces students to the field of Indigenous literary studies. We will read work from an array of authors whose writings span hundreds of years and cover multiple geographic regions and Indigenous affiliations. Driving our discussion of these texts are a set of key questions: What is Indigenous literature? How does it differ from other genres? What is the value in thinking about Indigenous literature as a specific canon or body of writing? The course will include fiction, poetry, film, and nonfiction prose produced by Indigenous authors (and directors).  
LTEN 113 - Shakespeare II: The Jacobean Perioda
The course will explore issues that have fascinated Shakespeare's audiences over the centuries--love, war, race, sex, mortality, good and evil--through a representative selection of plays from the second half of his career. We will pay close attention to Shakespeare’s masterful way with words and images, with plots and characters, but at the same time we will connect our close readings of Shakespeare’s dazzling language to a broader historical understanding of these texts and their patterns of meaning.
LTEN 113
LTEN 124 - Topics: The Nineteenth Centuryb
Topics of Turmoil in Victorian
Imagine leaping
backwards 150 years to an unfamiliar culture to listen in on their disputes,
which might have tackled questions such as: how do we reconcile our religious
and philosophical values of individual freedom and responsibility with our
enslavement of thousands around the world? 
Are our beliefs about white, English superiority grounded in reality or
on the need to solve the dilemma of our professed belief in universal human
dignity and our practice of human degradation? 
What’s happening to our women? 
Are they the domestic preservers of our morality and peace, or are they insatiably
sexual beings whose moral corruption leads them to prostitution?  What’s all this flap about education when
women aren’t voters or professionals?  Is
Industrialism revealing the weakest members of humanity who should be allowed
to die in order for the race to progress? 
Is work the highest expression of our beings, and does art have a role
in a world so troubled by poverty and war and disease?  This course will raise and attempt to answer
many such questions by examining what the Victorians themselves wrote about
them.  In grappling with these issues, we
will also study some linguistic and psychological aspects of their poetry and
autobiography, the social implications of their essays, and the aesthetic
principles of their fiction.
LTEN 125 - Romantic Poetry b
Revolutions in Verse
Imagine a world in flux: revolutions are toppling the powerful, and new forms of radical change feel more possible than ever before. Social movements make demands that would have been unthinkable a generation ago, yet at the same time, new forms of repression, militarism, and nationalism are on the rise. Science promises dazzling discoveries and new terrors alike. Political debates rage—and the future of humanity itself seems to be at stake. Meanwhile, even the weather’s starting to change…
What we now sometimes call the “Romantic period”—a few decades, give or take, surrounding the year 1800—has a lot in common with the times we live in, and this class, we’ll explore how poets in this period saw and sought to reshape the world around them. They wrote about rugged mountains and industrializing cities, histories of colonial conquest and anecdotes about beggars at their doors, ancient mythology and last week’s news, the deep expanses of geological time and ephemeral moments spent looking at a flower. All the while, they proposed radically new forms that poetry might take in a rapidly changing world.
This class will encompass a broad survey of British Romantic
poetry, showcasing a more diverse
variety of authors than the traditional canon of this period has offered. We’ll
dive deep into the astonishing poetic creativity and experimentation that
flourished in this time. Through these poems, we’ll practice slowing down,
paying attention, and relishing everything that language can do. We’ll
investigate how poetry can model new ways of thinking and being in the
world—and you may even discover a new favorite poet. 
LTEN 155 - Interactions between American Literature and the Visual Arts
Race as Spectacle
In this course, we will analyze how race is both naturalized and deconstructed through visual media. We will be focusing on one aspect: race as spectacle – the multiple ways in which race is produced as a visual mass culture commodity. This happens in political campaigns, music videos, local news reports, fashion, kids’ cartoons, mug shots and countless other sites. We will explore the modes of production of these racialized images as well as the conditions of their reception, and political and philosophical analyses of this process – particularly those relating to questions of gender, class, sexuality, religion and nation. We will also explore counterstrategies, which rather than rejecting visual mass culture attempt to use it to undermine dominant images.
LTEN 155
LTEN 155 The Americas
LTEN 176 - Major American Writers
Please contact instructor for course description.
LTEN 176 The Americas
LTEN 178 - Comparative Ethnic Literatured
Race, Geography, and Literary
This course traces constructions of race and
place in American culture and literature. Reading a number of late 20th-
and early 21st-century novels, short stories, and poems that take up questions
of space and identity, we will think through notions of home, community,
migration, and diaspora. In what ways are certain spaces racialized? How might
the literary serve as a site of alternative (potentially emancipatory)
mappings? In addition, students will complete a number of short writing
assignments throughout the quarter that invite them to delve deeper into
analysis of these questions and the course content.
LTEN 189 - Twentieth-Century Postcolonial Literatures
Literature of Precarity
Precarity is the state of insecurity.  In this course
we will read literature from the global south that addresses the conditions and
experiences of precarity.  We will ask how large social forces manifest
themselves in everyday experiences.  How do writers, filmmakers, and
theorists understand the effects of economic exploitation, global displacement,
and climate change?   In what ways have artists, including writers, sought
to represent and address and experience of precarity? 
LTEU 100 - Introduction to Italian Literature
Italian short stories
You don't need to
know Italian to take this course, but by the end of the quarter you will know
some Italian. Italian writers came kind of late to short stories as a genre,
but this particular style of fiction has become very popular and has produced
some truly beautiful narratives. In this course we will work with short stories
from the 20th and 21st Centuries, and as a final project you will have to write
your own "Italian" short story. This course is applicable, by
petition, to the Italian literature minor, the Italian Language Concentration
(and the Italian Studies major and minor). The students who wish to do some of
the work in Italian will be able to do so
Please contact me at demarchi if you have any questions. 
LTEU 100 Europe
LTEU 140 - Italian Literature in Translation
Primo Levi and Chemistry
In his novel The Monkey Wrench (La chiave a
stella), Primo Levi, both a chemist and a writer, suggested that the
practice of “sewing together” molecules taught him a lot about “sewing together”
words and ideas and that the properties of molecules taught him to understand
human relations. In this course, we will explore, in Levi’s writings, relations
of thinking between chemistry and literature. The thinking of a chemist is
articulated in all of Levi’s works from his holocaust testimony – Survival
in Auschwitz (Se questo è un uomo) – to his novel, The
Periodic Table, his science fiction, and his essays (for example,
“Asymmetry and Life”). (This course will be taught in English with texts in
LTEU 140 The Mediterranean
LTEU 140 Europe
LTFR 2A - Intermediate French I
First course in the intermediate sequence designed to be
taken after LIFR1C/CX (If you choose to take LIFR1D/DX, you will still need to
take LTFR 2A to continue in the French program). Short stories, cartoons
and movies from various French-speaking countries are studied to
strengthen oral and written language skills while developing reading competency
and cultural literacy. A thorough review of grammar is included. Taught
entirely in French. May be applied towards a minor in French literature. Successful
completion of LTFR 2A satisfies the language requirement in Revelle and in
Eleanor Roosevelt colleges. Prerequisite:
LIFR 1C/CX or equivalent or a score of 3 on the AP French language exam or a
score of 4 or 5 on the Language Placement Exam. 
LTFR 2B - Intermediate French II
Plays from the 19th and 20th centuries as well as movies are
studied to strengthen the skills developed in LTFR 2A. Includes a grammar
review. Taught entirely in French. May be applied towards a minor in French
literature or towards fulfilling the secondary literature requirement. Prerequisite:  LTFR 2A or equivalent
or a score of 4 on the AP French language exam.
LTFR 115 - Themes in Intellectual and Literary History
1er cours dans une séquence de 2 cours servant
d’introduction à la littérature en français. Il sera suivi en hiver de LTFR
Nous étudierons quelques textes littéraires représentatifs
de leur période et les analyserons en les replaçant dans leur contexte
historique et social. Prerequisite: LTFR 50 or consent of instructor. Le cours
sera enseigné entièrement en français. Le cours peut être répété jusqu’à 3 fois
quand les textes et sujets varient.
LTFR 115 French
LTFR 115 The Mediterranean
LTFR 115 Europe
LTGK 1 - Beginning Greek
In this class students will be Introduced to ancient Greek, the language of great scientific, philosophical, historical, and literary texts. In this introductory level, students will learn basic grammar and vocabulary, and engage with easy readings of ancient Greek texts. Surprisingly, learning to read ancient Greek is easier than learning to speak a modern language. This is because ancient Greek is not a spoken language anymore it can only be read and written. This year we will be introducing a new textbook, which comes with a companion website with self-correcting exercises and other resources.
This is the first quarter of a three-quarter sequence. Following completion of this sequence (LTGK 1-2-3), students will be equipped to read in the original Greek great works of philosophy, history, literature, as for example the medical texts of Hippocrates, the founder of Western medicine, the geometrical treatise of Euclid and even the New Testament. They will also be eligible to enroll in upper-division Greek Literature courses. Students are evaluated by quizzes, a midterm and a final. There is no paper to be written for this class.
Learning ancient Greek gives
students access to the foundational texts of many modern disciplines such as
medicine, mathematics, history, philosophy, and literary studies and it is very
useful for those interested in computational natural language
processing.   Ancient Greek is fun to learn, improve your analytical
skills and prepare you for advanced qualitative analysis. Many notable public
figures such as California’s governor Jerry Brown, J.K. Rowling, the author of Harry
Potter, Karl Marx, and Chuck Geschke, co-founder of Adobe Systems, majored in Classics.  
LTGK 102 - Greek Poetry
We will read poems concerning politics, love and seduction, worship of the gods and other topics, by lyric poets of the archaic age. Previous study of ancient Greek is a prerequisite. 
LTGK 102
LTGK 102 Greek
LTGK 102 The Mediterranean
LTGK 102 Europe
LTGM 2A - Intermediate German I
This intermediate-level course is conducted entirely in
German and emphasizes the four language skills: speaking, listening, reading
and writing while focusing on cultural awareness, developing higher level
literacy skills and a review of grammar. Course activities include cultural
readings on historical content as well as current events, discussion of films
and classroom practice in the target language.
LTIT 2A - Intermediate Italian I
Part 1: From insalata
caprese to pasta all'amatriciana.
Language does not exist in a vacuum. Travel (virtually) through Italian
regions, learning about their foods, beauty, and culture. At the same time
review Italian Grammar and conversation. LTIT 2A is the first of a 3 course
intermediate-advanced series that will help you strengthen your Italian, and at
the same time will show you why food is so important in Italian life and
culture, and how tied it is to the different areas of its territory. The course
meets 4 times a week for 5 units. At lunchtime )
Please contact me at demarchi if you have any questions.
LTKO 1A - Beginning Korean: First Year I
First year Korean 1A (5 units) is the first part of the Beginning Korean series. This course is designed to assist students to develop low-beginning level skills in the Korean language. These skills are speaking, listening, reading, and writing, as well as cultural understanding. This course will begin by introducing the writing and sound system of the Korean language. The remainder of the course will focus on grammatical patterns such as basic sentence structures, some grammatical points, and expressions. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to do the following in Korean: 
Speaking: Students are
able to handle successfully a limited number of uncomplicated communicative
tasks by creating with the language in straightforward social situation.
Conversation is restricted to some of the concrete exchanges and predictable
topics necessary for survival in the target-language culture. They can express
personal meaning by combining and recombining what they know and what they hear
from their interlocutors into short statements and discrete sentences.
Listening: Students are
able to understand some information from sentence-length speech, one utterance
at a time, in basic personal and social contexts, though comprehension is often
Reading: Students
are able to understand some information from the simplest connected texts
dealing with a limited number of personal and social needs, although there may
be frequent misunderstandings.
Writing: Students
are able to meet some limited practical writing needs. They can create
statements and formulate questions based on familiar material. Most sentences
are re-combinations of learned vocabulary and structure.
No Prior Study of Korean.
LTKO 2A - Intermediate Korean: Second Year I
Second Year Korean 2A is the first part of the Intermediate Korean. Students in this course are assumed to have previous knowledge of Korean, which was taught in the Korean 1A, 1B, and 1C courses. Students in this course will learn low-intermediate level skills in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Korean, as well as expand their cultural understanding. Upon completion of this course, students are expected to acquire and use more vocabularies, expressions and sentence structures and to have a good command of Korean in various conversational situations. Students are expected to write short essays using the vocabularies, expressions, and sentence structures introduced. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to do the following in Korean:
Speaking: Students
are able to handle a variety of communicative tasks. They are able to
participate in most informal and some formal conversations on topics related to
school, home, and leisure activities. Students demonstrate the ability to
narrate and describe in the major time frames in paragraph-length discourse.
They show the ability  to combine and link sentences into connected
discourse of paragraph length.
Listening: Students
are able to understand short conventional narrative and descriptive texts with
a clear underlying structure though their comprehension may uneven. They
understand the main facts and some supporting details. Comprehension may often
derive primarily from situation and subject-matter knowledge.
Reading: Students
are able to understand conventional narrative and descriptive texts with a
clear underlying structure though their comprehension may be uneven. These
texts predominantly contain high-frequency vocabulary and structure. Students
understand the main ideas and some supporting details. Comprehension may often
derive primarily from situational and subject-matter knowledge.
Writing: Students
are able to meet basic work and/or academic writing needs. They are able to
compose simple summaries on familiar topics. They are able to combine and link
sentences into texts of paragraph length and structure. They demonstrate the
ability to incorporate a limited number of cohesive devices.
Pre-Requisite: LTKO
1C or equivalent level of Korean language proficiency
LTKO 3 - Advanced Korean: Third Year
Korean Language and Cultural S
Third Year Korean 3 in the fall quarter (5 units) is the first part of the advanced Korean. Students in this course are assumed to have previous knowledge of Korean, which was taught in the Korean 2A, 2B, and 2C courses. Students in this course will learn low-advanced level skills in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Korean, as well as expand their cultural understanding. Upon completion of this course, students are expected to acquire and use more vocabularies, expressions and sentence structures and to have a good command of Korean in formal situations. Students are expected to read and understand daily newspapers and daily news broadcasts. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to do the following in Korean:
Speaking: Students
are able to communicate with accuracy and fluency in order to participate fully
and effectively in conversations on a variety of topics in formal and informal
settings from both concrete and abstract perspectives. They discuss their
interests and special fields of competence, explain complex matters in detail,
and provide lengthy and coherent narrations, all with ease, fluency, and
accuracy. They present their opinions on a number of issues of interest to
them, and provide structured arguments to support these opinions.
Listening: Students
are able to understand speech in a standard dialect on a wide range of familiar
and less familiar topics. They can follow linguistically complex extended
discourse. Comprehension is no longer limited to the listener's familiarity
with subject matter, but also comes from a command of the language that is
supported by a broad vocabulary, an understanding of more complex structures
and linguistic experience within the target culture. Students can understand
not only what is said, but sometimes what is left unsaid.
Reading: Students
are able to understand texts from many genres dealing with a wide range of
subjects, both familiar and unfamiliar. Comprehension is no longer limited to
the reader's familiarity with subject matter, but also comes from a command of
the language that is supported by a broad vocabulary, an understanding of
complex structures and knowledge of the target culture. Students at this level
can draw inferences from textual and extralinguistic clues.
Writing: Students
are able to produce most kinds of formal and informal correspondence, in-depth
summaries, reports, and research papers. They demonstrate the ability to
explain complex matters, and to present and support opinions by developing
cogent arguments and hypotheses. They demonstrate a high degree of control of
grammar and syntax, of general vocabulary, of spelling or symbol production, of
cohesive devices, and of punctuation.
Pre-Requisite: LTKO
2C or equivalent level of Korean language proficiency
LTLA 1 - Beginning Latin
One thing that has been rarely discussed in this era of the corona virus is that the words “corona” and “virus” are both Latin words “quarantine” is a Latin derivative and the phrase “remote-learning-inspired ennui” surely contain some Latin roots.  And while it seems that no one has tried to link the rise of Covid-19 to the ancient Romans (as yet), it is not completely unreasonable to expect that reading authors such as Ovid and Vergil -- who lived through periods of bloody and contagious illness -- could offer some solace and advice in these times (not to mention the fact that reading Seneca, the Roman author du jour, can surely teach us how to approach death and crowded gyms with some degree of confidence [if also cynicism]).  It is the development of such wisdom and jadedness that one can find in Latin I, along with much more simple things, such as learning basic Latin grammar, Latin vocabulary, and Latin knock-knock jokes that really kill during Zoom meetings.  No knowledge of ancient languages, modern languages, or contact tracing is required.  This class is also a relatively small group that will meet in some form or the other three times a week.  It encourages class participation and holds its members accountable with weekly quizzes and in-class conversation.  Grade is based on quizzes, mid-term, final, and participation.
LTLA 100 - Introduction to Latin Literature
Readings from and discussion of various Roman authors,
both to review Latin grammar and to introduce students to the breadth of Latin
Prerequisites: LTLA 3 or equivalent.
LTLA 100
LTLA 100 Latin
LTLA 100 The Mediterranean
LTLA 100 Europe
LTRU 104B - Advanced Practicum in Russian: Analysis of Text and Film
Please contact instructor for course description.
LTRU 104B Russian
LTRU 104B Europe
LTSP 2A - Intermediate Spanish I: Foundations
LTSP 2A is an intermediate-level language course that
reinforces and enhances the development of the communicative skills (reading,
writing, listening, and speaking) and the intercultural competency of the
student. Class activities are designed so that students can build up these
skills and function at an intermediate language level. Conducted entirely in
Spanish, this class will provide students with ample opportunity to work in
small groups and in pairs while gaining confidence communicating in Spanish. As
language does not exist outside of culture, the class also assumes that the
teaching of Spanish cannot be decoupled from the countries and cultures where
that language is spoken, including the United States. Therefore, we will learn
the language in the cultural contexts in which it is produced, using a variety
of formats (film, literature, journalism, songs, etc.) and registers from most
formal to more colloquial to each of the regional variations of the language.
LTSP 2A is the first course of the intermediate
level sequence at UC, San Diego. It is consequently followed by LTSP 2B, and
LTSP 2B - Intermediate Spanish II: Readings and Composition
LTSP 2B is an intermediate-level language course that reinforces and enhances the development of the communicative skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) and the intercultural competency of the student. Class activities are designed so that students can build up these skills and function at an intermediate language level. Conducted entirely in Spanish, this class will provide students with ample opportunity to work in small groups and in pairs while gaining confidence communicating in Spanish. As language does not exist outside of culture, the class also assumes that the teaching of Spanish cannot be decoupled from the countries and cultures where that language is spoken, including the United States. Therefore, we will learn the language in the cultural contexts in which it is produced, using a variety of formats (film, literature, journalism, songs, etc.) and registers from most formal to more colloquial to each of the regional variations of the language.  
LTSP 2B is the second course of the intermediate level
sequence at UC, San Diego. It is followed by LTSP 2C.
LTSP 2D - Intermediate/Advanced Spanish: Spanish for Bilingual Speakers
This course is the first quarter of a sequence of classes (2D/E) designed for students who are heritage speakers of Spanish, that is, students who speak Spanish at home or in their daily lives, but may have not received “formal education” in Spanish. The course will emphasize reading and academic writing skills, although all four language skills (listening, reading, speaking, and writing) will be considered. The course adheres to the following premise: Languages do not operate on a vacuum rather they function through dynamics of power. For instance, norms in Spanish (and English) are not based on an arbitrary or neutral set of rules, but rather are the product of a history of colonial and cultural domination disseminated from the former metropole and its entities, such as the Real Academia Española. With this in mind, in this class we will learn formal and normative Spanish writing practices but always in the context of the historical transformations that produced a variant of Spanish as the “norm.” In other words, we will question the production of linguistic hierarchies while we learn about the different registers and uses of Spanish. Students will learn grammatical structures, and linguistic registers with texts, films, music and articles from Spanish-speaking regions.
LTSP 50A - Readings in Peninsular Literature
Intensive reading and writing course structured around selected
works from the Spanish literary canon (poetry, essays, works of fiction) and
current event articles from Spain’s main newspapers. Written reports on
readings, in-class exams, short research papers.
LTSP 135A - Mexican Literature before 1910
Cult y Nación en Méx Siglo XIX
En este curso estudiaremos la
relación entre producción cultural y la construcción de la nación mexicana. A
lo largo del siglo XIX, intelectuales y artistas forjaron mitos e idearon
imágenes de la heterogénea sociedad mexicana en sus escritos literarios e históricos
y a través textos visuales (mapas, litografías, caricaturas, fotografías). ¿Qué
grupos sociales o étnicos pertenecen a la nación? ¿quiénes deber ser excluidos?
¿en qué consiste la identidad nacional? son algunas de las interrogantes que
abordaremos en el curso. El papel del periodismo y el folletín, la tradición
didáctica, el corrido, también serán temas de estudio y discusión. Las lecturas
incluyen obras de José Joaquín Fernández de Lizardi, Ignacio Manuel Altamirano,
Justo Sierra, asi como artículos periodísticos de la época, lecturas sobre
fotografía, etc. Curso de lectura intensiva.
LTSP 135A Spanish
LTSP 135A The Americas
LTSP 159 - Methodological Approaches to the Study of History and Culture in Latin America and the Caribbean
Crítica cultural brasileña
Este curso se propone abordar la
historia y la cultura brasileña desde su producción teórico-crítica local. Con
este fin está organizado en torno a ejes temáticos y problemas relevantes que
han marcado la trayectoria de Brasil (o brasiles) desde el siglo XIX hasta el
Se espera que las y les
estudiantes adquieran una visión introductoria, pero no por eso menos compleja,
que les permita reflexionar de manera crítica e interseccional en torno a la
producción de conocimiento teórico en esta significativa región de América
Latina. Se estudian Ignez Sabino, Gilberto Freire, Sergio Buarque de Holanda, Antônio Cândido, Roberto Schwarz, Sueli Carneiro, Silviano Santiago, Heloisa
Buarque de Hollanda y Suely Rolnik, entre otras y otres.
Asimismo, el curso trabaja con
una diversidad de prácticas simbólicas (fotografía, cine y otras textualidades)
que permiten indagar en la conflictividad y heterogeneidad de una sociedad
poscolonial y posesclavista como la brasileña.
LTSP 159 Spanish
LTSP 159 The Americas
LTSP 170 - Contemporary Theories of Cultural Production
Feminismos anticoloniales
Este curso tiene por objetivo caracterizar
la plural articulación de los feminismos latinoamericanos desde 1990 en
adelante, especialmente en Bolivia, Chile, Argentina y Brasil. Interesa
analizar el tejido simbólico que puebla las corporalidades y lenguajes
feministas como fuerza despatriarcalizadora, anticapitalista, antirracista, anticolonial
y disidente (queer). En este último ciclo se trama el deseo de lo que en el
curso se define como un pachakuti feminista, es decir, una nueva
politicidad que promueve saberes provocadores y discordantes que ponen en jaque
la posibilidad de Estados coloniales neoliberales o “posneoliberales” con
perspectiva de género.
Se espera que las y les estudiantes adquieran una visión panorámica
sobre la teoría crítica feminista de la región, sus modalidades y políticas del
texto. Nelly Richard, Diamela Eltit, Suely Rolnik, valeria flores, María
Galindo, Julieta Paredes y Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui, son algunas de las
teóricas feministas que se abordan. Esto en el marco de un diálogo con las corpo-prácticas
desplegadas en la calle, el video experimental, el cine, la fotografía, la
literatura, y otras luchas feministas por el sentido en el campo de batalla de
la cultura y la política.
LTSP 170 Spanish
LTSP 170 The Americas
LTTH 110 - History of Criticism
Does language shape our social, material, environmental, or emotional worlds, or do these forces determine the forms language can take? How should we interpret the world around us, and can changing our interpretations or our stories lead to political, social, or environmental change? Are language and literature at the core of what humanity is, or is “humanity” a narrow category we ought to leave behind? Can literature make us into better people? How do complex social, economic, and cultural systems actually work, and what makes them change?
The intellectual traditions that travel under names like “literary criticism” and “theory” are concerned with big philosophical questions like these—and more. In this class, we’ll read some of the core theoretical texts in a conversation that spans centuries, and continues today. From ancient philosophers asking how art shapes social order to contemporary questions about what it means to be human in an age of ecological turbulence, we’ll read a selection of crucial texts that can help us reconsider how we interpret the texts we read, the world we inhabit, and the way we experience language. Along the way, we’ll become conversant in some of the major traditions that continue to inform interpretive approaches to literature and society: humanism, Marxism, psychoanalysis, structuralism/poststructuralism, feminism, postcolonial theory, queer theory, and more.
In our work together, we’ll prioritize learning how to read
a theoretical or philosophical text: these genres can be intimidating to many
readers, but we’ll focus on developing the tools, vocabulary, and reading
methods that can open these texts up to you and help you join the conversation.
When we draw interpretive conclusions about the world around us, and when we
think critically about how we’re getting to those conclusions, we’re doing
theory—and that’s what we’ll all be doing together in this class. Above all,
we’ll practice reconsidering our most foundational assumptions about ourselves,
language, culture, and consciousness.
LTWL 19A - Introduction to the Ancient Greeks and Romans
This course will introduce
students to Egyptian, Greek, and Roman accounts of gods, myths, heroes, and the
universe. We will ask how mythology and philosophy helped these peoples make
sense of their place in the world. Readings will include selections from
Egyptian mythology, Homer’s Odyssey, Hesiod’s Theogony,
Presocratic philosophy, and Ovid’s Metamorphoses. The course will
include a midterm, final, and a short essay on ancient myth in contemporary
graphic novels, film, tv, or video games.
LTWL 172 - Special Topics in Literature
Cold War Film and the “Other"
This course examines race and ethnicity in American and Soviet film during the Cold War (roughly 1917-1991). We will discuss key phenomena such as Black Leninism, the presentation by US of Jews as evidence of Soviet human rights abuses and the presentation by the USSR of American racism as a parallel human rights abuse. The comparative context will help to complicate the place of under-represented minorities in the US by offering a global scale.
LTWL 177 - Literature and Aging
In this course, we will have the opportunity to explore the particular contribution of a humanistic approach to loneliness and wisdom research in the field of healthy aging. Studying literary texts in relation to research articles in the science and engineering fields, we will bring humanistic skills and practices to our discussion of such topics as the neurobiology of loneliness and wisdom, engineering and writing, neuroscience and architecture, creativity and dementia, culture and heart disease, and literature and medical education.
LTWL 177
LTWL 181 - Film Studies and Literature: Film Movement
New Queer Cinema and Its Afterl
As the first film movement centered on gay,
lesbian, and queer sexualities, New Queer Cinema emerged in the early 1990s in
the context of independent filmmaking, the AIDS pandemic, and gay/lesbian activism.
Up to that point, LGBT activists and critics had lobbied for positive images of
gay people as normal upstanding citizens. By contrast, New Queer Cinema
proponents adopted an anti-assimilationist, confrontational political stance.
They embraced the view of queers as rebels, criminals, and outlaws as a way to
challenge gay respectability politics based on heteronormative values. This
course examines the social, historical, and aesthetic context of New Queer
Cinema in the 1990s and tracks its influence on contemporary LGBTQ cinema. The
course asks, What's "queer" about LGBTQ cinema, from classical
Hollywood’s demonization of queer characters to today’s inclusion of LGBTQ as a
market demographic? Units will include: gay connotation, Hollywood, indie film,
experimental video, AIDS activist media, trans cinema, film festivals, and
LGBTQ mainstreaming.
LTWL 181
LTWL 194 - Capstone Course for Literature Majors
What should every literature major know? What is the place of theory in the undergraduate experience? How do critics establish their voice? These are the questions we will ask throughout this course, designed for Literature Major seniors and, especially, those students considering to write an Honors Thesis. Classes will be devoted to close reading of selected works by contemporary critics and theorists, balanced by short student writing exercises engaging with those authors. Among the writers and ideas we will explore will be: Franco Moretti (distant reading), Deirdre Lynch (loving literature), Joseph North (the political history of literary criticism), Leah Price (book history), Sianne Ngai (cultural aesthetics), and Denise Gigante (the history of taste). I will also hope to share some of my own work in literary history with the class. Requirements: attendance and participation in class four short (3-5pp) response papers in the course of the term an oral presentation for those students planning an honors thesis.
LTWR 8A - Writing Fiction
This course introduces many
of the basic elements of contemporary fiction, including concreteness,
characterization, style, point-of-view, dialogue, theme, and narrative
structure, and other tools of fiction-craft. Emphasis will be placed upon
writing first from your most unfettered imagination AND upon sculpting these
wild writings into shapely, dynamic short-short stories through a variety of
creative revision techniques. Each week we will read both conventional and
innovative short stories and flash fiction published (mostly) within your
lifetime, in order to discuss the fiction-writing techniques you’ll be
practicing in your own writing. We will read and study 3-4 published stories
a week, plus read and provide written comment upon 5-7 student-written drafts
per week. Over the quarter, you will write five very short fictions and one
longer short story.
To explore craft and
experimentation, there will be a number of brief writing exercises, both in and
outside of class, which will help to generate a final short story as the
quarter progresses. Additionally, you will submit a 2-page double-spaced
short-short story every week for group discussion.  There is a
LOT of writing and reading for this course. You should plan to work an average
of 6-8 hours each week outside class doing homework, including reading,
commenting, writing exercises, writing stories, preparing for quizzes, and
studying craft techniques. There is an in-class midterm and final
essay. Your course textbook is Writing Fiction, A Guide
To Narrative Craft, 10th Edition by JANET
STUCKEY-FRENCH. This course is prerequisite for the Lit/Writing
major and minor, and it fulfills arts and writing requirements for some
colleges, but it’s also a fantastic and rigorous course for basic interest.
LTWR 100 - Short Fiction Workshop
Reading Like a Writer
In this course, students will commit to studying, discussing, and creating beautiful works of short fiction. The class will study the elegant works of authors as attentive readers subsequently, students will use those examples to enrich their approaches to writing. In workshop, all students will be called to focus on being a critic, in the very best sense, of the work of others. By the end of the course, students will have developed and submitted one completed story, radically revising it for the final assignment. 
LTWR 102 - Poetry Workshop
Rather than an overview of visual poetry,
concretism, or interdisciplinary collaboration, the Poetry
Workshop will focus on basic forms and tactics, and feature poets that
pull from other disciplines, which might dovetail nicely with the workshop
on experimental forms that's offered each quarter, and for those enrolled in
the class from other majors. 
LTWR 110 - Screen Writing
This course introduces students to the basic elements of
a screenplay, including format, terminology, exposition, characterization, dialogue,
voice-over, and variations on the three-act structure. Class time will be spent
on brief lectures, screening scenes from films, extended discussion and
assorted readings of class assignments. This is primarily a writing class, with
students required to complete regular assignments reflecting the concepts
covered in class.
LTWR 113 - Intercultural Writing Workshop
Please contact instructor for course description.
LTWR 120 - Personal Narrative Workshop
Memoir and Life Writing
Memoir has become the genre of our time. The personal expression of experience challenges the creative writer and the creative reader. This course introduces writers to the techniques of personal narrative. Its goals are: to develop an effective personal voice to explore literary allusion as a means of reflecting experience and emotion to read closely in some recent (and historical) memoirs to learn how to capture a reader and mediate feeling and form. Readings will be assigned for discussion -- for example, selections from St. Augustine's Confessions, Rousseau's Confessions, The Autobiography of Malcom X, Kathryn Harrison's The Kiss, Tom Grimes's Mentor, Seth Lerer's Prospero's Son. Writings by students will be workshopped and prepared for potential publication.
LTWR 124 - Translation of Literary Texts Workshop
This workshop will be centered on theory and practice of literary translation. Students will translate literary text and discuss issues of craft and technique in literary translation. There is no language requirement for this course, but students are encouraged to either have some experience studying another language, or be currently studying another language.
LTWR 126 - Creative Nonfiction Workshop
Social Justice & Storytelling
Stories create empathy, bear
witness, and can have the power to drive action toward social change by
influencing the way people relate to and interact with their world. Consider
the influence of such movements as Black Lives Matter and MeToo, as well as the
struggles for immigrant and LGBTQ rights, all rendered especially personal,
urgent, and vital through engaged storytellers. With particular
attention to memoir, essays, and literary journalism among other
forms of writing and creative expression, students will plumb the
depths of narrative, studying how writer-artists have brought issues, concerns,
and experiences to light—and to life—in their works. Turning to reflect on
their own personal narratives and values, students will explore the power and
potential of their own stories. In workshop, students will engage one another’s
work and present their own works-in-progress by the end of the course,
students will submit a completed piece.
LTWR 143 - Stylistics and Grammar
A close look at sentence-level features of written discourse–stylistics and sentence grammars. Students will review recent research on these topics and experiment in their own writing with various stylistic and syntactic options. We'll first examine standard structures of style and grammar, before considering how we might break and stretch those rules to push the boundaries of traditional units of meaning. 
LTWR 194 - Capstone Course for Writing Majors
Please contact instructor for course description.
RELI 188 - Special Topics in Religion
Please contact instructor for course description.